Saints Row 4: Crackdown 3 is Here Today
After a couple of evenings spent of playing Saints Row 4 it dawned on me. Saints Row 4 IS Crackdown 3.
After a couple of evenings spent of playing Saints Row 4 it dawned on me. Saints Row 4 IS Crackdown 3.
Chester is an interesting game. For me, it’s a mix of Super Mario 3, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Commander Keen. You play as a series of (vegetables? rabbits?) with various plasma weapons travelling through a 2D “New Super Mario” esque landscape. It’s dripping with style, but is style enough to build a game on?
Did you feel like Katamari Damacy was too short? Did you feel that you could have rolled through more levels, stuck to more things, gotten bigger more times?
I’m plugging my controller in for this one. Bunny Must Die is a retro platformer with an anime style and a difficulty level set to ‘classicly hard’. I remember reading an article about this before it came out. It proclaimed the return to platforming glory, a new golden age of platforming games, heralded by a crop of excruciatingly difficult games (a few of which I’ll cover in my Steam games list), and also featuring one over the top anime platformer. Here we go.
I love this game. Buy it if you haven’t played it.
I’ve got a confession to make. I never played Team Fortress 2. When The Orange Box dropped, I played through Episode 2 and then I played Portal. That was it for me. I must have played through portal 5 or 6 times. As TF2 metamorphosed into a free-to-play game, I sat on the sidelines. So I admit, I’ve never purchased any hats, nor created anything in the workshop. I go into this review absolutely fresh.
If you’ve been following along with my misadventures in game reviewing, you’ll know that the next game on my spreadsheet is the almighty Orange Box. This game included Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 back before it was free. As each game was a stand-out game in its own right, I’ll be reviewing all 3 separately. In this the first part, I’ll be reviewing Half Life 2: Episode 2.
I love music games. This isn’t because I used to work for a company that made music games either, I’m just into the combination of music and game. It’s perhaps an irony then, that I tend not to be particularly good at them. You could say I was downright awful at Space Channel 5. I hated DDR (loved the music though.) I did have a very good run with the Guitar Hero franchise, but times have changed. Another ten years past what was retro makes it hipster. In another ten years the subject material will be completely foreign to the average gamer (provided populations continue to expand, i.e. barring zombie attack). As we all age, so do the games we take with us. This is the long-term benefit of having been on steam for a decade.
After the epic cliffhanger that was Half-Life 2, we were all waiting with baited breath to see what had happened to Gordon Freeman. We didn’t have to wait long, as in June of 2006 Valve let us know with the release of HL2: Episode 1.