So there I was, staring at a fixer-upper roto-tiller I may never use. I found it in a dilapidated shed that in the end was mostly supported by vines. How could I solve two problems at once? Then it hit me, I could put the tiller up for barter in exchange for the shed demolition and removal. I’ll save countless hours of time on both fronts and it’ll cost me nothing. And that’s exactly what happened!
After part 1(the unveiling) and part 2 (the opening of the secret building), there was only one major mystery left on my new property: what was in the locked safe? That mystery has now been solved. Read on for part 3 of my trilogy of mystery: Safe-cracking!
Check the video for how it went down.
My fingers tremble as I write this. My body is literally quaking with excitement. It takes all I have to write these words and not rush back out into the night towards it. For you see, I have found an ancient tomb.
Eagle-eyed readers may recall about a year ago I mentioned that I was working on an exciting futuristic cable box with a gorgeous API backed by OpenGL. Imagine my excitement when I saw the official product announcement begin to hit the newsfeeds!
I am a three-legged flying bear with vampire fangs. I pounce upon my prey like a lion, ripping meat from their dazed (but still-alive) corpses. This is the wonderful world of Cubivore, and I have no idea how I missed it until now.
So you’re a budget-conscious hacker looking to advertise. A few years ago this would have been an article about soldering boards and compiling kernels. Not to worry. The world has significantly changed for the thrifty hacker over the last decade. While once you needed to carefully scrounge and make sacrifices for your hack, those days are long gone. This is an article about re-using the ever-increasing horde of technological gold we’ve amassed and discarded en-masse.
For all those who need to know, here it is. Have you ever wondered what it is we programmers do when we say we’re “fixing bugs?” Here’s a helpful guide for those who may find themselves in a “oh snap I need to fix a bug” situation.
Quick feature update from my 9-5. As of today, Rhapsody and Napster have ChromeCast support (full disclosure, I wrote this and I work for Rhapsody/Napster.)