Announcing TPS

Announcing TPS (Team Planning Simulator) (see, it generates TPS Reports ha!)

Source and download here -> TPS

And hey, as it’s client-side, how about a Live Version

Team Planning Simulator Reports (TPS Reports) is a quick report generator to help you plan hiring, throughput, and costs for the year, broken down by quarter and 2-week sprint. And yeah, the name is a riff on the ole T.P.S. report.

Current features: So few, so laughably few. But hey, enough to honestly help in some situations.

  1. Save and load to JSON for fast iteration!
  2. Add roles and event types, then apply them to your calendar
  3. See throughput metrics, efficiency, costing, etc.

It falls squarely into the bucket of “can’t you just use a spreadsheet?” Yes. Of course you can, I’ve done so for a few decades now and I’m sure folks will do so for another few hundred. The humble spreadsheet will outlive us all. All that said, this is a helpful way for me to visualize, quickly iterate with small features, and quickly generate scenarios without relying on a cloud-hosted python backend for a simulator or stacks and stacks of resource-crazy google sheets.

Backstory: I’m committing to releasing more things that spark joy, and more little projects. Sometimes you just write a quick simulator on a Sunday night to help you clear your head and get your thoughts out, and sometimes that’s really helpful to other folks.