Announcing TPS

Announcing TPS (Team Planning Simulator) (see, it generates TPS Reports ha!)
Source and download here -> TPS
And hey, as it’s client-side, how about a Live Version
Team Planning Simulator Reports (TPS Reports) is a quick report generator to help you plan hiring, throughput, and costs for the year, broken down by quarter and 2-week sprint. And yeah, the name is a riff on the ole T.P.S. report.
Current features: So few, so laughably few. But hey, enough to honestly help in some situations.
- Save and load to JSON for fast iteration!
- Add roles and event types, then apply them to your calendar
- See throughput metrics, efficiency, costing, etc.
It falls squarely into the bucket of “can’t you just use a spreadsheet?” Yes. Of course you can, I’ve done so for a few decades now and I’m sure folks will do so for another few hundred. The humble spreadsheet will outlive us all. All that said, this is a helpful way for me to visualize, quickly iterate with small features, and quickly generate scenarios without relying on a cloud-hosted python backend for a simulator or stacks and stacks of resource-crazy google sheets.
Backstory: I’m committing to releasing more things that spark joy, and more little projects. Sometimes you just write a quick simulator on a Sunday night to help you clear your head and get your thoughts out, and sometimes that’s really helpful to other folks.