JSON Resume Viewer for Android

JSON Resume Viewer is a native Android application for viewing resume.JSON files natively on Android devices.

Yesterday, I had dental surgery. I woke up this morning with an aching jaw and a day off from work. Unable to sleep nor concentrate on video games, I decided to check something off the ole software todo list.

Flash back to a few months prior. I had found myself interested in the resume.JSON format, but there were no android apps to display it in a readable fashion. In order to view a resume.JSON file in a readable format, I had to go to a website (that was down at the time) to attempt to apply a theme to the resume once it had been uploaded to their server? Too much! Open formats need open readers. So today I created one for Android. Open source, Android UI, no ads or strange permissions.


Download directly from the Google Play Store at:

My Perma-Link Page Is here:

You can find out more about the resume.JSON format at:

The Source Code is at:


  1. Open resume.json files directly
  2. Parses urls and attempts to display logos from websites listed within resume.JSON files
  3. Launch urls and email addresses directly from within the app.
  4. Open-source at
