Challenge Accepted! 10 Years of Steam and 1000 Game Reviews
It’s no secret that I’ve a love for games. I’ve also got a soft spot for a hot deal. Put these two facts together and you’ve got the perfect storm of game-collecting furor made reality in the Steam platform. With my Steam game list now creeping past the 800 mark, I’ve decided that it’s time to put my mouth where my money is and put this huge collection of games to use. I’m going to review every one of my Steam and Desura games in chronological order, starting at the first steam game to be released all the way to games I picked up in the 2013 summer sale last week. I’ll not leave out any wart-covered toads, nor any big-name blockbuster releases. Everything gets reviewed, in order.
Ever. Single. Game.
That’s about 1000 games. All of these:
It’s been a decade that I’ve been buying games on Steam. A full ten years of “Buy it now, I’ll play it later” have swollen my steam games list to gargantuan proportions. My friends tell me all the time, “You’ll never play them all.” Left to my own devices they might be right. Games continue to release and the unrelenting cycle of discount games is ever churning new games my way. How then do I break the cycle? I make a vow. I will review every single one of my 900+ Steam and Desura games, in the order I purchased them. I will not deviate from this ordering, nor from this list. If I absolutely must purchase new Steam games, they must sit unplayed until I have reviewed every game I purchased prior to this game. All of them. This is my vow.
I will review every single one of my 900+ Steam and Desura games, in the order I purchased them. I will not deviate from this ordering, nor from this list. All of them.
I’ll be intermixing the reviews between Steam and Desura so the indie developers don’t get crowded out and I can continue to fund new indie games. Indie developers rely on timely purchases to fund their self-publishing business model and to attract new customers during the initial launch window. They also rely on word of mouth and blog reviews more heavily than traditional publishers, and I feel I should give them more headline space for that reason alone. As I only have around 50 Desura games, I should be able to get through my review backlog quickly and help fund a number of indie games for the all-important holiday season.
So here I go, into the fray. I delve deep into my own past, reliving experiences and digging up emotions I had felt another lifetime ago.
Next time: I review Half-Life 2 (Steam) and 8-bit Commando (Desura).