A Preview of My Upcoming Fourth Book, A Direct Sequel to Live For Free

While I sit here in bed, my body fighting the last remnants of a flu virus that had me knocked out for days, I am reminded of the past times I’ve been bedridden. Post-surgery, post-motorcycle accidents, post-European travel, etc. I’ve been knocked down plenty, but I always manage to make the best of it. This time I figured I would post up a preview of my (still in-progress) fourth book. It’s in the very early stages, but not too early for constructive criticism and a great deal of improvement across the board.

What makes this book different from my last two is that it isn’t a collection of works or a how-to guide, it’s a direct sequel to “Live for Free: The Chronicles of a Nerd Saving For A Startup”. It’s a real, brutally honest account of some tumultuous times in our industry, and in my own life. The introduction is below and you can read a couple of chapters embedded after the click-through, or feel free to download the PDF directly from here. They are sort of but not really in order.

Flash back to the beginning of December, 2011. The year has been a whirlwind. My first start-up failed. My second and third book were released. I became an Android developer. I released more Android apps in less time than anyone, ever. I joined a Google Ventures funded music start-up as their Android lead. I found out the truth about the Android platform (it’s not there yet), and about working at start-ups (it’s the VC that gets the best deal). And I just found out my significant other wants to move across the country. How I got here, that’s fairly common knowledge. How I’ll get where I’m going now? That’s another story.

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