The Retrode2 Console Needs You! Contest!

OK first of all, if any of you haven’t preordered a retrode2 cartridge adapter you missed out on the first batch! I’m pretty excited at the prospect of getting mine in. However, there’s other news to be excited about! Matthias has put up a call to arms, essentially tasking us with taking the retrode from cartridge adapter to full on console. They’re talking about shoving a micro arm board in there and running emulators on it. Sound familiar to anybody? So I highly encourage everyone who has been itching to get into a new console scene or hacking project to consider this one. I can personally help anyone who gets stuck, and we’ve got about 2500 comments worth of good info on arm porting still floating around all of my porting, zipit, and dockstar articles. Anyone who received an arm board from me in the past this would be a great time to pay back some karma. Still reading? Good! They are also running a bit of a contest over at for this. The hacker chosen will get a couple of free retrodes and a gumstix dev board! Pretty sweet deal for an enterprising hacker out there!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the retrode community forums and make yourself known!