Book Prices Rise at Midnight!
People (not just publishers) have been hounding me to up my book prices for some time now. While I’d like to give away everything for free, the current economy has not been good to me as an author. While I have a respectable influx of book sales each month, at 30 cents per book it’s not adding up. Every couple of months “Build Your Own Distributed Compiler” will see a quick boost in sales followed by a couple of months lull. Anecdotally, it appears that my compilers guide is helpful to some subset of graduate students. This isn’t specific to the Amazon or B&N bookstore either, so I can’t really make any inferences as to which school(s) are using it. Along with a few good reviews (and loads of support from other authors), I’ve decided to up my book prices to the industry standard 9.99. If you purchase any of these books are are not satisfied with the new pricing, send me an email and let me know. I think a tenner is an exceedingly reasonable price for a textbook/guide. As always if you’re a student and find yourself unable to pay I’ll donate you a copy. I’ll even autograph it.
You can see their permalink pages below:
Live For Free
Build Your Own Distributed Compilation Cluster