Asl.JS Now Auto-Generates Impress.JS Finger Spelling Presentations in HTML5

A helpful reader (thanks Remo!) suggested I update the sign language fingering Javascript project to display the fingerings on screen without a timeout.  It sounded like a good idea, and I thought it would be a synergistic addition as I’ve been wanting to do some dynamically created impress.JS presentations.  So, I’ve gone ahead and implemented dynamic impress.JS presentations in asl.JS.  As you’ve probably seen from my interactive resume (or its source code),  impress.JS is an open source Javascript library that allows you to create 3d presentations and slide shows in HTML5.

You can see it in action live on my website at, or view the source at its github page here.  With this update asl.JS is fast becoming a modern, and hopefully useful web tool.  Everything still runs on the client in Javascript, and no personal data or strings are ever sent to the server (I don’t even run analytics on the page).  I have quite a few useful features and improvements I’d like to get in there eventually, and I hope that others will find the code useful in their own work.  Incidentally, this has all grown from a project that was essentially a code doodle from a bored hacker.  It just goes to show that even the smallest of contributions to open source can increase in value exponentially over time.  You never know what others will find useful, so get out there and share!